Friday, 24 May 2013

Freedom In Christ

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (KJV). In order for our relationship with God to be pure, we must be free. Without freedom, we are still in bondage to the things of this world. If the spirit of the world is our master, we will never freely serve the Lord. Instead of agreeing with Him, we will seek to have Him agree with us. Without the Spirit, we cannot know the things of God; much less understand them (see  1Corinthians 2:9-16).

Without realizing it, it would be easy to misuse the verse that says, “The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life” (2 Corinthians 3:6). How often have we heard people say, “I’m walking by the spirit of the law,” which is another way of saying “I am going to walk a little bit in the flesh?” It is similar to “a little white lie.” It is still a lie and is ungodly. Walking a little bit in the flesh is still walking in the flesh. Using Scripture to do so is dangerous ground.

Without freedom in Christ Jesus, we would still be trying to earn the Father’s love and involve ourselves with dead works, trying to somehow make our way into heaven. When we walk in the freedom that comes with the Law of the Spirit of life, we will cease from our own feeble attempts to manipulate God. For example, why should we incorporate the Word of God in our prayers? Are we to quote Scripture to God in order to hold Him accountable to His Word in order to get what we want? That is fleshly prayer and borders on witchcraft. When people twist the things of God to fulfill fleshly desires, they are walking in rebellion. The reason we use Scripture in prayer is so that we come into agreement with God and pray according to His perfect will. 1 John 5:14-15 clearly says, “If we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him” (KJV).

When we walk in love, we will freely ask the Father for those things we desire without manipulation. Our love bonds us to His will and desires, which in turn causes us to ask for those things that are pleasing to Him. If you feel the need to manipulate anyone to get what you want, it is time to examine your heart through the Holy Spirit. We obey Him because we love Him, not because we are trying to earn His love. Everything we do for Him will spring out of the relationship. With freedom comes the desire to please Abba (Daddy), Father. In that liberty is fullness of peace and joy. Everything Jesus did was the result of His love for the Father. He had, and always will have, complete confidence in His relationship with Him. God desires us to have the same confidence. Why else would He desire to conform us into the image of Jesus?